CM (Cleanmaster) Security FREE is an antivirus lauded for its ease of use. It comes equipped with an excellent anti-malware engine, call blocking features, and a link to Clean Master so that you can wipe unnecessary files from your Android.
Great variety of helpful functions
Antivirus protection and a call-blocking filter CM (Cleanmaster) Security FREE offers two types of antivirus analysis: one for apps and system, and another for SD card content. The first type of analysis is very fast and lasts only a few seconds. Scanning the SD card, however, may take more or less time depending on the amount of data there is to examine.
CM (Cleanmaster) Security FREE's engine is pretty decent. Once the analysis is complete, a report appears summarizing the status of the device. If it detects that an app is infected with malware, the program will display more information about it, such as date of installation, name of the virus, and malicious actions caused by the detected malware. Using real-time protection, the app protects you while browsing websites that have been infected or that have a high risk of phishing. In addition, newly downloaded apps are examined to avoid the possible installation of malware.
Using real-time protection, the app protects you while browsing websites that have been infected or that have a high risk of phishing. In addition, newly downloaded apps are examined to avoid the possible installation of malware. From the options menu you can schedule and automate scans in real time (once a day, weekly or monthly). In addition, you can create a "whitelist" so that apps that are considered safe and reliable are excluded from scans.
Masterpiece of simplicity
The program's interface shows a cleaning function for removing unnecessary files. It's actually a link to Clean Master which, if installed, will start cleaning the system. Finally, CM (Cleanmaster) Security FREE offers a call-blocking filter, allowing you to create a black list of numbers to block. You can enter the numbers manually or import them from your phonebook or your call log.
A masterpiece of simplicity CM (Cleanmaster) Security FREE is one of the most used antivirus programs. It's also very accessible to less experienced users. The interface is quite visual, with a very neat and attractive design. The options also are well explained.
Ideal for security
One of the most effective and useful antiviruses out there CM (Cleanmaster) Security FREE is a powerful antivirus, ideal for the security of your Android smartphone or tablet. It offers real-time protection from online threats and its scanning speed is excellent. In addition, it integrates seamlessly with Clean Master, another well known program by KSMobile, and is distinguished by its extraordinary ease of use and modern design.
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